having a blast

Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain

Growing up, my mom commonly celebrated the day’s end by putting my sister and me to bed, putting on Willie Nelson’s “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain,” and having a beer. My sister and I loved to hear that song. We affectionately referred to it as “Blue Eyes” and sometimes we’d jump on our beds and dance while my mom relaxed downstairs. We shared a bedroom back then.

This is the record player that turned that Willie Nelson/Red Headed Stranger record. Mom was cleaning out the storage closest recently and she was going to get rid of it. I’ve been collecting records for over a decade now, and that collection started with a donation from my parents.

It’s pretty exciting. I hope to have it home soon. It’s a Realistic LAB-400. After some research, it seems to be a pretty high quality item. I was casually looking for an upgrade to my current setup. I’m excited to get it in hand — I’ve already gotten a preamp so it’ll play on my powered speakers. The first song I play will be “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.”